Think of how much of your home is made up of cushions. Couch cushions, pillows, chair cushions, window seats, maybe even cushions for your outdoor furniture. You might not think about them much, but without drawing much attention to themselves they help to keep your home a comfortable place that feels like, well, like home.
But cushions can lose some of that comfort over time. It can happen for a number of reasons. Maybe with too much use they begin to feel flat, or maybe a well-intentioned pet got to them and started to wear down the quality. Maybe it was even a child picking at the upholstery or a tear that started to cause you to lose some of the upholstery of your cushions. One thing is for sure: when your cushions start to lose their softness, you will start to notice.
That’s where we can help. Coastal Restorations offers high quality furniture restoration for all kinds of furniture, including cushions. We have a wide variety of fabrics to choose from, so whether you have modern or classic furniture, indoor or outdoor cushions, we’ll have something to reupholster it for you. We’ll consult with you to get your vision and then restore your cushions in the way that best suits your home and your needs.
Your cushions may be relatively small, but they make up an impactful part of your comfort with your home. Have a cushion that needs restoration, whether new upholstery or new filling? Contact Coastal Restorations today to discuss your order request.